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Toledo Mud Hens vs. Charlotte, June 6


Toledo Mud Hens player Justin Henry, 17, heads to his position in centerfield during the fourth inning as the Hens play the Charlotte Knights at Fifth Third Field, Tuesday, June, 5, 2012.

Blade/Andy Morrison


Charlotte Knights manager Joel Skinner jokes with Mud Hens manager Phil Nevin, not pictured, before the Hens play the Knights at Fifth Third Field, Tuesday, June, 5, 2012.

Blade/Andy Morrison


Toledo Mud Hens pitcher Brooks Brown throws against a Charlotte Knights player during the first inning at Fifth Third Field, Tuesday, June, 5, 2012.

Blade/Andy Morrison


Toledo Mud Hens player Ryan Rayburn, 7, comes up limping as he grounds out to end the sixth inning against the Charlotte Knights at Fifth Third Field, Tuesday, June, 5, 2012.

Blade/Andy Morrison


Toledo Mud Hens pitcher Brooks Brown, 20, checks the scoreboard after striking out Charlotte Knights batter Hector Gimenez, 23, in the sixth inning at Fifth Third Field, Tuesday, June, 5, 2012.

Blade/Andy Morrison


Toledo Mud Hens player Ryan Rayburn, 7, can't make the tag in time as Charlotte Knights player Justin Greene, 6, steals second in the fifth inning at Fifth Third Field, Tuesday, June, 5, 2012.

Blade/Andy Morrison


Toledo Mud Hens player Brad Eldred, 44, heads for second on a double by teammate Ben Guez, 24, right, during the fourth inning against the Charlotte Knights at Fifth Third Field, Tuesday, June, 5, 2012. Eldred scored on the play giving the Hens a 1-0 lead.

Blade/Andy Morrison


Charlotte Knights player Jim Gallagher, 10, strikes out in the fourth inning at Fifth Third Field, Tuesday, June, 5, 2012. Gallagher was the Toft's Ice Cream strikeout player of the game, and the strikeout earned a section of fans free ice cream.

Blade/Andy Morrison


Muddy the Mud Hen dances for fans between innings as the Hens take on the Charlotte Knights at Fifth Third Field, Tuesday, June, 5, 2012.

The Blade/Andy Morrison
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Toledo Mud Hens Argenis Diaz, 11, out runs Charlotte Knights pitcher Matt Zaleski, 22, as he hits a single in the third inning at Fifth Third Field, Tuesday, June, 5, 2012. The Blade/Andy Morrison

Blade/Andy Morrison


Toledo Mud Hens left fielder Eric Patterson, 3, checks the scoreboard as they play the Charlotte Knights at Fifth Third Field, Tuesday, June, 5, 2012.

Blade/Andy Morrison


Toledo Mud Hens players observe a moment of silence for Toledo Walleye hockey player Bryan Rufenach before the Hens play the Charlotte Knights at Fifth Third Field, Tuesday, June, 5, 2012. Rufenach was killed while backpacking in Europe on Monday.

Blade/Andy Morrison


Toledo Mud Hens Charlotte Knights at Fifth Third Field, Tuesday, June, 5, 2012.

Blade/Andy Morrison


Toledo Mud Hens player Eric Patterson, 3, catches the fly ball of Charlotte Knights player Tyler Kuhn, 3, during the first inning at Fifth Third Field, Tuesday, June, 5, 2012.

Blade/Andy Morrison

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