Joel Zapiecki of Sylvania loads Sylvan-Gro, a composted humus, at the city's compost operation on North Summit Street.

Sylvania achieves 'Tree City' milestone Events mark 25th year of winning award

The Blade/Herral Long

Sylvania achieves 'Tree City' milestone Events mark 25th year of winning award

Sylvania, a community with a name that literally means "city of trees," is celebrating its 25th year as a Tree City, and a variety of green events in the coming weeks will emphasize the importance of maples, oaks, flowering crabs, and other woody plants.

"Cities are just waking up to the fact the trees do have value. Trees are an infrastructure investment of consequence," said Art Landseadel, city forester.

Consider that the replacement value of Sylvania's street trees would be nearly $3 million.


Since 1975, the city's parks and forestry division has planted about 7,400 street trees.

In a city named Sylvania, "it is appropriate that we cherish our trees," said Mayor Craig Stough. "Trees are a quality of life issue. We make an effort to maintain a high quality of life, including a high quality of tree-lined streets."

City Council recently approved the allocation of $203,440 to cover the expense of planting, maintaining, and trimming shade trees this year in city parks, on public lands, and along street right-of-ways.

Homeowners pay a tree assessment of 30 cents per front foot. Annual cost of the assessment runs between $12 to $15 for the average homeowner, Mr. Landseadel said.


Residents can help plant a bald cypress tree during the city's Arbor Day program at

11:30 a.m. April 27 at the city of Sylvania administration building, 6730 Monroe St. The mayor and the city forester will conduct a brief ceremony before the tree planting. The Society of Municipal Arborists has named the bald cypress as the 2007 Urban Tree of the Year.

Lapel pins will be handed out at the event, and potted Colorado blue spruce trees will be given to schoolchildren. Any extra trees will be given to the public.

During an Arbor Day event at the Sylvania Senior Center, 7140 West Sylvania Ave., a golden rain tree will be planted at 1:30 p.m. in the garden area.

Arbor Day events coincide with the city receiving its 25th consecutive Tree City USA award from the National Arbor Day Foundation.

To be eligible for recognition as a Tree City, a community must meet four standards: it must have a tree commission; a tree care ordinance; a comprehensive community forestry program, and an Arbor Day observance.

Tree City recognition "means first of all that the city fathers have acknowledged the fact that trees are important to us and for us, for quality of life and for the ambience," Mr. Landseadel said.

Sylvania will receive its award during a Tree City program at St. Caspar Catholic Church in Wauseon on April 25. Representatives of 60 communities are expected to attend, said Jim Spiess, president of Wauseon's tree commission.

The city of Wauseon in Fulton County bid on the chance to host the annual Tree City program, he said. "We thought it would be a nice activity in Wauseon. We like to do new things to promote trees and enhance urban forestry," Mr. Spiess said.

There are 3,138 Tree City communities nationwide, Mr. Landseadel said, and of those, 232 cities have achieved the 25-year membership level. Ohio has 238 Tree City communities, including 58 in northwest Ohio, he said.

One of the largest trees in the city is a burr oak near the city's administration building. Mr. Landseadel estimated that the tree is 350 years old.

As part of the city's tree celebration activities, residents are encouraged to participate in a large trees contest. Details on the contest that runs through May 25 are available through the city's parks and forestry division.

"I thought it would be interesting to bring people's attention to trees, especially the older and bigger ones," Mr. Landseadel said. Children could get involved by measuring trees, using pieces of string, cord, or twine, he said. Prizes will be awarded.

Sylvania excels in its urban forestry program, said Mr. Stough, who noted that Ohio Department of Natural Resources representatives have visited the city to view the tree planting program and the city's green yard waste recycling program.

"Trees are an important part of our environment," Mr. Stough said. "They provide shade, produce oxygen, and cleanse the air." Trees also provide a habitat for wildlife.

Parks and forestry division employees work year round to take care of the city's trees, Mr. Landseadel said. Employees also are in charge of the city's compost program that produces Sylvan-Gro at a 23-acre site on North Summit Street, just across the line in Michigan. Last Saturday, the city conducted its first major compost sale of the spring. The next sale where customers can buy the compost by the truck or trailer load will be at the compost operation field from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., April 28.

Leaves, yard waste, and other green waste materials collected by the city street department are used to create Sylvan-Gro. It is sold from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Fridays at the city's parks and forestry division headquarters, 8425 Sylvania Metamora Rd.

First Published April 18, 2007, 8:27 p.m.

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Joel Zapiecki of Sylvania loads Sylvan-Gro, a composted humus, at the city's compost operation on North Summit Street.  (The Blade/Herral Long)  Buy Image
This burr oak tree is one of the largest and oldest trees in Sylvania. It is located near the city's administration building.
The Blade/Herral Long
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