From left, Carla Stachura, Geraldine McCalland and Judi Imhoff.

Toledo reaches $70,000 settlement with firefighter in discrimination lawsuit

The Blade

Toledo reaches $70,000 settlement with firefighter in discrimination lawsuit

Toledo officials reached a settlement with a retired female firefighter who joined with two others to sue the city for gender discrimination.

Geraldine McCalland, along with retired Capt. Carla Stachura and Pvt. Judi Imhoff, first filed suit 2005 in Lucas County Common Pleas Court, but a lengthy court process led to a dismissal. The case was refiled in July, 2015.

Specifically named in the lawsuit were former chiefs Michael Bell and Michael Wolever, along with former deputy chiefs John Coleman and Robert Metzger.


Private McCalland, whose recruit class was the first to hire women, said she was forced to work with an officer who made her feel unsafe and that she was penalized for taking sick leave.

Toledo Fire Department retired captain Judi Imhoff leaves a Lucas County Common Pleas courtroom in Toledo after a split decision in a 14-year-old lawsuit against the City of Toledo on Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2019.
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Private McCalland withdrew from the suit Oct. 4, after the first day of the trial. She reached a $70,000 settlement with the city, a figure City Council unanimously approved this week. Money from the city’s risk management fund will cover the settlement.

“In some circumstances, it makes sense to explore settlement opportunities to minimize the exposure of the city if a jury were to view the case differently than we did. That’s what we did here,” City Law Director Dale Emch said.

A jury on Oct. 16 determined the city discriminated against Private Imhoff and awarded her $150,000, finding she did suffer adverse employment action. But jurors denied claims of discrimination made by Captain Stachura while claims of retaliation for both women were also denied.


Captain Stachura filed a notice of appeal Nov. 18.

Terry Lodge, the lawyer representing all three firefighters who sued, could not be reached for comment.

First Published November 29, 2019, 6:53 p.m.

Plaintiff's attorney Terry Lodge, left, confers with clients Carla Stachura, center, and Judi Imhoff, right, during a trial over the lawsuit filed in Lucas County Common Pleas against the city and the Department of Fire and Rescue in front of Judge Linda Jennings on Friday, October 4, 2019. THE BLADE/AMY E. VOIGT CTY TFDtrial05
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From left, Carla Stachura, Geraldine McCalland and Judi Imhoff.  (The Blade)  Buy Image
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