Lisa Mayer-Lang Toledo Ballet Intensive

Artistic director, resident choreographer out at Toledo Ballet

Artistic director, resident choreographer out at Toledo Ballet

Toledo Alliance for Performing Arts announced Tuesday that it will not be renewing the contracts for Toledo Ballet Artistic Director Lisa Mayer-Lang and her husband, resident choreographer Michael Lang, prompting an angry response from parents.

About 60 parents and students filled a ballet studio in the organization’s Monroe Street building on Tuesday night to hear remarks given by Zak Vassar, CEO and president of TAPA. 

Attempting to read from a prepared statement addressing the departure of Ms. Mayer-Lang and Mr. Lang from Toledo Ballet, Mr. Vassar was frequently shouted down by angry parents who demanded answers about why Ms. Mayer-Lang and Mr. Lang had been let go after 15 years.


“I know that Lisa and Michael have been like family to everyone in this room,” Mr. Vassar said at the meeting, acknowledging that Ms. Mayer-Lang and Mr. Lang had built an extremely talented group of young dancers.

An exterior of the Toledo Ballet in Toledo.
Jason Webber
Toledo Ballet Guild resigns in protest over TAPA leadership

“...We don’t look to minimize those achievements in any way,” Mr. Vassar said.

The decision to make a change in the artistic leadership of Toledo Ballet is a significant one, “one that we took into consideration a lot of complex factors,” he said.

“We feel new structure and new leadership are needed,” Mr. Vassar said.


The Toledo Ballet, which dates back to 1939, and Toledo Symphony merged in September, 2018, to form TAPA.

After three years, “It became apparent that Lisa and Michael’s vision didn’t align with the greater vision that we had created for TAPA,” Mr. Vassar said.

Mr. Vassar said he knew it was frustrating for the attendees, but that he was unable to state the exact reason Ms. Mayer-Lang and Mr. Lang had been let go, citing it was a personnel issue. The move was met with protests from several attendees.

“You fired them, sir, without having anything in place! And that’s wrong!” a woman shouted, followed by a round of applause by several surrounding parents.

Eric Otto is the new artistic director and head of curriculum for Toledo Ballet, the Toledo Alliance for Performing Arts announced on Thursday.
Shayleigh Frank
Toledo Ballet announces new artistic director

“He ruined 83 years in one meeting,” said Jeanette Brown of Oregon, whose 13-year old daughter has been with Toledo Ballet since she was 5.

“Tonight was a joke,” Ms. Brown said. “We did not have one question answered throughout this whole thing. We need and demand answers. We want Michael and Lisa to come back.”

Christina Ramsey of Toledo, a trustee on the TAPA board, said Ms. Mayer-Lang stated concerns about the Toledo Ballet work environment to TAPA last fall.

“How did it go from her bringing concerns about a hostile work environment to the board and then she gets terminated for it?” Ms. Ramsey asked. “I’ve been with Toledo Ballet for 20 years, and this is the most concerned I’ve ever been.”

Traci Curth, co-president of the Ballet Guild, echoed many parents throughout the room who openly stated they would not support Toledo Ballet without Ms. Mayer-Lang and Mr. Lang.

“This is a major blow to this organization,” said Ms. Curth, fighting back tears. “You saw the company girls. They’re leaving. They’re the highest caliber dancers in this city.  They’re leaving the ballet. They will not come back. The ballet is losing dancers, parents, money, and they are not going to have support from anyone in this community.” 

In an email, TAPA member Pat Bowe wrote: “Please know that this is a significant decision, which may come as unexpected, and took many complex factors into consideration. This decision was made in consultation with the executive officers of the TAPA Board of Trustees.”

Following the hourlong meeting, Mr. Vassar left the building before The Blade could speak to him. Calls made to his cell phone after the meeting were not returned.

Ms. Mayer-Lang and Mr. Lang were not at the meeting, and attempts to reach them afterward by phone were unsuccessful.

First Published January 4, 2022, 9:25 p.m.

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Lisa Mayer-Lang Toledo Ballet Intensive
An exterior of the Toledo Ballet in Toledo on Jan. 4.  (THE BLADE/KURT STEISS)  Buy Image
Seated at right, Toledo Alliance for Performing Arts President and CEO Zak Vassar meets with concerned parents and students of Toledo Ballet following the ouster of its artistic director and resident choreographer.  (The Blade/Jason Webber)  Buy Image
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