Patriotic pride was evident at Bowling Green State University’s Bowen-Thompson Student Union banquet hall on Wednesday.
Thirty-six flags of the original countries of more than 80 new American citizens lined the sides of the hall leading up to the seal of the United States, the American flag, and the flag of the state of Ohio.
“I feel free and happy, and the world is open,” said Razika Boukhatem, a new American citizen originally from Algeria who was holding her 16-month-old in the front row of the ceremony.
Ms. Boukhatem began her journey toward U.S. citizenship three years ago. She said she came to America for free speech and because it’s a free country, adding, “If you can dream you can do it, you can accomplish your objectives [in America].”
Her first objective is to become fluent in English, “And when I am fluent I will get my PhD,” she said. She has a goal of becoming an immigration lawyer.
An overwhelming sense of opportunity filled the banquet hall at the naturalization ceremony presided over by Judge James R. Knepp II, a judge for the Northern District of Ohio Western Division.
“I hope you can tell I'm fired up,” he said, and launched into many asides on what it means to be an American.
The judge defined the heart of America as a diverse community that pulls together to help one another in times of trouble, and he said the other aspect of being an American is an egalitarianism.
“All of its citizens, new and old, are endowed with certain unalienable rights,” he said, so, “I couldn't be happier than to be right here, right now.”
A man from Cameroon shared how these egalitarian beliefs motivated him to come to the United States.
“I learned a lot about the history of the United States,” Joseph Suh said. “My uncle was a history teacher, and he loved telling me stories about America, and those stories have fascinated me.”
At the top of Mr. Suh’s list of American stories was the Boston Tea Party.
“When the Americans protested against taxation without representation,” he said, it showed him, “the bravery of these people and their determination.”
“I'm part of it now, and I'm a proud bona fide member of this family,” he said.
Mr. Suh said he has followed in his uncle’s footsteps, and he has become a teacher, teaching English literature and receiving his degree from Reading University in the United Kingdom. But he never stopped yearning for America.
“You think you can stay here 20, 40 years,” said the guest speaker for the ceremony, MD Sarder, a professor, the director of the school of engineering for Bowling Green State University, a U.S. citizen, and an immigrant. “No. You have to get involved.”
“You need to be active in this democracy,” Mr. Sarder said, and quoted President John F. Kennedy, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”
Citizenship, he said, “comes with a responsibility.”
“It means standing up for what's right,” he added.
And he reminded those in attendance that they would be the ones to write America’s next chapter.
“I am feeling really, really excited and completely overwhelmed,” Mr. Suh said. “This is a country I dreamed of when I was a child in school. By God’s grace the day has come that I'm sworn in as a citizen.”
First Published November 20, 2024, 10:46 p.m.