A special exhibition celebrating the historic Dorr Street business district is planned for Saturday at Indiana Avenue Missionary Baptist Church.
“This exhibition aims to educate the community about the legacy of the once-thriving Dorr Street business corridor while highlighting We Are One, a community-wide initiative dedicated to reimagining economic growth, job creation, and most importantly, rebuilding hope,” said Robert Smith, a spokesman for the event.
The African American Legacy Project, in collaboration with community partners and supporters, is presenting the exhibition from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the church, at 640 Indiana Ave. Mercy Health’s Mammography Van will also be onsite to provide health screenings, he said.
Mr. Smith is director of the legacy project which is the “innovative multi-disciplinary epicenter, celebrating the triumph and spirit of the African-American experience ... in Northwest Ohio communities.”
For more information about its work, go to africanamericanlegacy.org.
First Published February 21, 2025, 2:18 p.m.