School subject: Math
Extracurricular activity: Stage managing for theater
Hobbies: Genealogy, Origami, Baking
Car: Freight Liner
Store: Starbucks
Musical artist: My Chemical Romance
Movie: The Bone Trilogy
TV show: The Office
Cafeteria food must-have: Cookies
Last book read that wasn’t required: Hunger Games
Pet peeve: People who continuously click pens.
Person most admired: My grandpa Buckley
Person I’d like to meet: Matt Daman
Items always in my locker: Plush hippo and lamb magnets
First job: Babysitting
Top accomplishment: Leadership Award
After-graduation plans: I plan on attending college, majoring in physics and anatomy and pursuing my doctorate.
Career goal: My career goal is to work for NASA and conduct research.
Quote from teacher: “Never have I met such an interesting, thoughtful, fantastic student as Emily,” said Jill Posta, math department chairman. “Her interests span the disciplines: calculus, theatre, physics, current events, trigonometry, reading, stewardship, astronomy, and writing. What I like best about Emily is her congenial, inviting attitude when motivating her peers - she is the epitome of how to lead by example.”
— Information is compiled for The Blade by the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West.
First Published October 2, 2012, 4:00 a.m.