School subject: American history
Extracurricular activity: Sports
Hobbies: Playing the drums
Car: My Chevy
Store: Dick’s Sporting Goods
Musical artist: Foo Fighters
Movie: Remember the Titans
TV show: Sports Nation
Cafeteria food must-have: Nachos and cheese
Last book read that wasn’t required: Tim Tebow: Through My Eyes
Pet peeve: When people leave their used gum in plain sight.
Person most admired: My dad, Brian Schankin
Person I’d like to meet: Tim Tebow
Items always in my locker: Gum
Top accomplishment: 2012 Division 8 All-State Football
After-graduation plans: Attend Adrian College to study sports management; earn my pilot’s license.
Career goal: Become a full-time commercial airline pilot.
Quote from teacher: “Steve is extremely deserving of this honor,” said Scott Leach, principal. “He is a leader in our school and in our community.”
— Information is compiled for The Blade by the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West.
First Published February 19, 2013, 5:00 a.m.