BOWLING GREEN — Meet author Jennifer Coburn at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Wood County District Public Library, 251 N. Main St.
She will discuss her new book, The Girls of the Glimmer Factory. The first 50 people will receive a free copy, library officials said. This book and Cradles of the Reich are “historical novels about the strength of women’s friendship and the connections that can be forged during even the most harrowing of times.”
She has also published a mother-daughter travel memoir, We’ll Always Have Paris, as well as six other contemporary women’s novels. Ms. Coburn has contributed to five literary anthologies.
Ms. Coburn, who lives in San Diego with her husband and daughter, also volunteers as a performer, producer, and coach with So Say We All, a live storytelling organization.
No registration is required. For more information, call 419-352-5050 or email
First Published March 9, 2025, 5:20 p.m.