The east side of the Anthony Wayne Trail's intersection at Sherwood Avenue will be closed for reconstruction starting Monday morning. It's scheduled to reopen by Friday evening.

Sherwood closing at A.W. Trail coincides with school's spring recess


Sherwood closing at A.W. Trail coincides with school's spring recess

Intersection reconstruction associated with the Anthony Wayne Trail project will block the east leg of Sherwood Avenue through at least Friday.

Travelers to and from neighborhoods reached from that part of Sherwood will need to use River Road to get to Glendale Avenue or Copland Boulevard instead.

Project planners deserve a shout-out, however, for scheduling this detour during local schools’ spring break, which means that if it ends on time, school day traffic to and from Our Lady of Perpetual Help School won’t be affected. Alas, neighboring Toledo Christian’s spring break was two weeks ago.


Also in South Toledo, a water main replacement will close parts of two streets for about four months starting Monday, including Stengel Street between Villa and Dorian drives and Villa between Stengel and Devonshire Road. Local access will be maintained but no detour routes will be posted.

Toledo resident Vallory Cannon drives during a mock roundabout event, April 16, in a parking lot outside the Lucas County Engineer's office in Sylvania.
Mike Sigov
Motorists go round and round to enhance skills

East Toledo drivers, meanwhile, will need to avoid eastbound Starr Avenue this week between Euclid Avenue and Main Street, where utility work is planned starting Monday.

And crane operations at Toledo School for the Arts will close eastbound (inbound) Adams Street between 15th and 14th streets for two weeks, also starting Monday. Use Madison Avenue instead.



The Road Warrior inbox last week included a complaint about the merge area for the ramp from eastbound U.S. 24 to northbound I-475/U.S. 23 in the latter’s work zone.

“It's like playing Russian roulette as you navigate the extremely short transition from ramp to main traffic,” wrote Jeff Anderson, of Monclova Township. “If you try to enter at that place, you just hope that your timing is right and that there is a space for you to make the entrance without an accident. I for one will not use that ramp until the project is completed.”

While acknowledging two recent crashes in that area, the Ohio Department of Transportation said one of them occurred because a vehicle lost a tire and that it has no current plans to change anything there.

“The merge here is a bit shorter than it was prior to the traffic switch but it is functioning safely in our view,” spokesman Rhonda Pees said. “Of course, drivers should alter their driving in a construction zone, mainly slow down to navigate safely through. The zone works well if the advised speed is followed.”

Except for the southbound right-turn lane on Byrne Road, all lanes were open Sunday morning at Byrne's intersection with Airport Highway, but that could be different at night or later in the week.
David Patch
Bike/pedestrian path part of Anthony Wayne Trail work

The layout will change late this year when reconstruction of the freeway’s northbound lanes is completed, although the southbound lanes’ ensuing reconstruction will have other ramp impacts in the area.


Kudos, meanwhile, to reader David Jenssen, who wrote to report that the detour around a waterline project on U.S. 20A was a bit more circuitous than he had been told it would be in last week’s column.

When I asked ODOT about it, they sent over, in essence, an update with new information matching what Mr. Jenssen observed: Both U.S. 20A and U.S. 127 are blocked for the waterline project in West Unity, so plan on using State Rt. 2 (or the Ohio Turnpike) instead of U.S. 20A between State Rts. 66 and 191, and State Rt. 15 instead of U.S. 127 between Bryan and U.S. 20.


• I-75: Reduced to two lanes each way between Wales and the Anthony Wayne Trail for reconstruction and replacement of the DiSalle Bridge.

• I-75 (Mich.): Lane closings, Exit 5 (Erie) to north of Exit 9 (LaSalle), for roadway reconstruction. Northbound traffic is crossed over to the southbound side until late in the construction season. The northbound entrance at South Otter Creek is closed.

• I-475/U.S. 23: No shoulders and traffic is shifted between U.S. 24 (Exit 4) and Angola Road for reconstruction and widening. The ramp from westbound U.S. 24 to northbound I-475/U.S. 23 is closed long-term, with a detour posted using other ramps in the interchange.

• State Rt. 25 (Anthony Wayne Trail): Reduced to one lane each way between Glendale and the Ohio Turnpike (Toledo-Maumee border) for reconstruction. Sherwood closed on the Trail’s east side this week for intersection reconstruction.

• State Rt. 25/U.S. 24 (Anthony Wayne Trail): Nighttime detours and daytime lane closings, Key to Conant, this week for drainage work. Lane closings are planned over the entire stretch between Monclova Road and Detroit Avenue for resurfacing.

• U.S. 24: Reduced to one lane westbound from I-475 to the Henry County line this week for shoulder and drainage work. Work could shift to the eastbound side late in the week.

• U.S. 20: Lane closings start Monday in Sandusky County just east of Woodville for resurfacing.

• U.S. 20A/127: Waterline work on the concurrent section of U.S. 20A and 127 in West Unity, Ohio have both routes closed through Friday.

• State Rt. 2 (Airport), Byrne Road: Lane closings at Airport and Byrne during intersection widening.

• State Rt. 2: Flag zones are planned near Donovan Road in eastern Lucas County for drainage work.

• State Rt. 579: Flag zones are planned near Nissen Road, east of Williston, for drainage work.

• Secor Road: Closed to through traffic between Bancroft and Dorr for replacement of a bridge over the Ottawa River. Use Douglas Road instead.

• State Rt. 120 (Central): Closed to through traffic between Reynolds (U.S. 20) and Corey for replacement of a bridge over the Ottawa River. A posted detour uses Central, I-475 and Secor. Corey is also suitable for passenger vehicles.

• State Rt. 25: Northbound lanes are closed between Cygnet Road and U.S. 6 in Wood County for reconstruction. A single lane is maintained southbound for local access.

• State Rt. 64: Reduced to one lane each way between I-75 and Mercer Road in Bowling Green for roundabout construction at Campbell Hill Road.

• Brint, Centennial roads: Closed at their intersection until mid-June for roundabout construction. Brint is detoured to Sylvania Avenue and Centennial is detoured to Mitchaw Road.

• Monroe Street (Sylvania): Eastbound lane closed from west of Silica Drive to Main Street, and Silica closed at and north of Ten Mile Creek, for intersection reconstruction and widening and replacement of Silica’s bridge over the creek.

First Published April 9, 2023, 5:39 p.m.

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The east side of the Anthony Wayne Trail's intersection at Sherwood Avenue will be closed for reconstruction starting Monday morning. It's scheduled to reopen by Friday evening.  (THE BLADE / DAVID PATCH)  Buy Image
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