U.S. REP. Bob Latta (R., Bowling Green) didn’t participate in the storming of the House impeachment inquiry committee last week.
But that same evening, he did voice his opinions in a one-minute speech from the House floor, which he or his staff then posted on Twitter.
Since being posted on Mr. Latta’s Twitter account, @boblatta, the video has provided many critics — and supporters — a platform to weigh in.
In his floor speech, Mr. Latta bemoaned the fact that Congress was focusing on impeachment rather than the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), jobs, the economy, and lower health care costs.
He voiced Republican talking points, which were that the impeachment inquiry was a “star chamber,” that the accused (Donald Trump) had no rights or due process.
“Where is the House vote?” he asked, a note of indignation in his voice. (The Republicans got the vote they’ve been demanding, and they all voted against it.)
Last night, I called out House Dems for their 'behind closed doors' impeachment process on the floor of the US House. Despite not holding a formal vote on an impeachment inquiry, as precedent would dictate, the House majority continues to build a case in secret. pic.twitter.com/duToZFZFgV
— U.S. Rep. Bob Latta (@boblatta) October 23, 2019
Mr. Latta did get some “atta boy” comments to his Twitter post, but the majority were not very complimentary to the Ohio 5th District representative to Congress.
Typical was Deb Clink @Deb_Clink who said, “were you involved in the trump approved stunt to invade the SCIF and disrupt the committee hearings? You can’t ignore the facts coming out so you disrupt the process. Of course you’ll stick with trump till the end just like daddy.”
(SCIF is the acronym for the closed door room where the committee, which includes numerous Republicans, is meeting. Mr. Latta’s father, a previous representative of the 5th District seat, was famous for holding out until the end against the impeachment of President Richard Nixon.)
There was this, from RichieNYC @RichSpence10: “hope they take your security clearance.”
Jordan Haynes @JordanHaynesOH said, “Come on, @boblatta. The House is operating under rules your GOP put in place back in 2015 — that a full house vote is NOT required. The GOP made the rules changes and used them to their own benefit when it suited them. It was fair then, but not now?!?”
Bev Chicotel @BChicotel helpfully provided a graphic showing how former Republican U.S. Rep. Trey Gowdy defended the use of closed-door committee hearings to conduct investigations.
William Nye @drewgoat66 was so sputtering mad he couldn’t slow down long enough to check his typing: “You disgust me. Look at at history. Republicans set it up. Starr did it the same way. Can’t believe my rep. Is Trumps puppet.” (In this, as in all the quoted tweets, typos are CQ).
Brandon M. @Sipam_Doby wanted to let @boblatta know that, “It was a pathetic display at the expense of national security today by the Republicans, Bob. You clearly only represent Trump now. Not constituents unless they give you a napkin note.”
(In his speech on the House floor, Mr. Latta flourished a napkin upon which was written “Pass USMCA” that he said was handed to him at an American Legion dinner.)
A person calling herself Kim @lawyerlady said, “You must have missed my MANY tweets to you in the last few weeks. … Why don’t you have a town hall when you are home next? I would LOVE to ask why you have not agreed to #ImpeachTrump yet!”
Twitter writer molly #ImpeachTheMF says “Stop your ridiculous lies. GOP has been present throughout whole process which is being conducted by the book. What are you afraid of? The truth?”
Mr. Latta’s Twitter account has 38,300 followers.
A tweet last week in which Mr. Latta showed the napkin on which someone had written “Pass USMCA” attracted 186 commenters. One of them was Nick Rubando, a Democrat who lives in Mr. Latta’s district and plans to run against him next year.
He challenged the Republican incumbent to a debate.
“Hey this is the type of thing I think we should discuss in a debate. How does April on @bgsu’s campus work for you? Or should I mail you a napkin as a formal request? #FlipThe5th,” Mr. Rubando tweeted.
Mr. Latta is probably never going to hold a town meeting. And why would he, except to get shouted at by the Indivisibles?
Following and commenting on Mr. Latta’s tweets may not be as satisfying as yelling at him in person, but it’s a lot easier.
Tom Troy is associate editor of The Blade and member of The Blade Editorial Board.
First Published November 1, 2019, 4:00 a.m.