Toledo’s future will be determined by the ability to keep young people raised here or educated here in the community to live and work as adults.
Toledo has a great story to tell around the value created by a high quality of life available at a low cost. But too many local youth move out, and too few people from outside northwest Ohio move in.
It’s very comfortable for the people who remain. There are more jobs than workers. But to attract economic development to Greater Toledo new employers must be confident they’ll find a work force sufficient to compete.
Huntington Bank Chief Economist John Augustine told a gathering of bank clients, “We have to let people know how good it is in Toledo and northwest Ohio.” (“Analyst: Toledo needs better marketing plan,” Friday)
It’s a new day now where workers can find a job just about anywhere they want to live. But that puts the pressure on regions to effectively market themselves to workers as the first tactic to attract employers.
Greater Toledo is fortunate to have true advantages to market. Communities that can credibly be described as affordable are increasingly rare. Toledo has the facts to show value superior to most of the nation. An affluent lifestyle is achievable here at lower costs than the big costal cities or even the larger Ohio cities.
Knowing what to say is just part of the marketing dilemma. Where to say it and whom to talk to first is the bigger challenge. Greater Toledo should spend most of its marketing effort on making this the first choice for the thousands of young people graduating from high schools or universities throughout the region.
More important than a good slogan or well-targeted media is creation of a lifestyle that appeals to young and single people. There are many better options for singles, and large percentages leave northwest Ohio for that reason.
This means night spots with live entertainment in attractive Designated Outdoor Refreshment Areas must be considered marketing magnets. Young single people need to mix and mingle as they start their careers. A vibrant DORA that hums with music is more important than dreary affordability to this crucially important marketing target.
Greater Toledo will find it easier to convince people to move in when they successfully convince the youth of this region to stop moving out. Municipal decisions in the city, suburbs, and nearby towns should all reflect the need to create a place young people want to live.
Simply slowing the outflow of population will create the momentum to power an inflow of new employers and residents.
First Published March 22, 2024, 4:00 a.m.