Would you live in a house with no front door? Where people could come and go at will, roam around and through your home. No, you have a locked door and you decide who comes into your house. We are all immigrants. All Americans believe in immigration — legal immigration. My father-in-law came to America as a young man from Sicily. His family entered the right way, the legal way. They assimilated into the United States, learned our language, gratefully worked hard at their new jobs, and became proud Americans. Thanking God for the opportunity afforded them. They were not rebellious, violent, law-breaking newcomers.
Times have changed and life has deteriorated drastically. Today, having a secured border is really a no-brainer. This should have been accomplished decades ago, avoiding the horrible mess we find ourselves in. We are on the brink of losing the country we so love. If you do not believe in a wall — security, then I would suggest this: place a big “welcome” sign in your front yard. Tonight, open your front door as you go to bed. In fact, leave the light on as an invitation to all. Only a fool would do this. Here is another one: 10 illegal caravan immigrants are coming to your home for dinner. Unknowingly, one of them is a lifelong violent criminal with a 10-inch knife in his pocket. Would you do it? How about this: as the dinner concludes and people are leaving through the open front door, three of them stay seated. As you look back at them, one of them speaks up, smiling, and says, “we have decided to stay and live with you.”
Wake up America! Quit playing political games with our safety and security. By the way, the wall is paid for by Mexico — through the recently ratified “United States Mexico Canada Agreement”/NAFTA.
Pelosi a jewel
Wrong as usual. The majority of Democrats nationwide want Nancy Pelosi to be the next Speaker of the House of Representatives. We do not want a white guy. Mrs. Pelosi is a jewel who gets things done.
Yes, the Democrats have to build something ( “Memo to Dems: Build something”, Dec. 19.)
The Blade was wrong in pretending there was no blue wave. With the Democrats receiving 8 million votes nationwide over the Republicans, we expect action, and that means investigations and possibly impeachment.
The Democrats are in firm control of Toledo-Lucas County; it would be nice if The Blade spoke for them instead of Perrysburg and Findlay Trump Republicans. The Blade reads like Fox News.
First Published December 31, 2018, 12:00 p.m.