Regarding the column “2 Ballot Questions a Costly Public Opinion Poll,” Feb. 1, I agree with most of it, except the last paragraph, which states Toledo City Council will have spent taxpayer dollars on a costly public opinion poll.
Council submitted both petitions to the Lucas County Board of Elections in a timely matter on Aug. 15. The BOE’s legal counsel decided not to have those placed on the Nov. 6 ballot. After City Council was directed by the Ohio Supreme Court of the process we needed to follow, it passed two resolutions — the jail issue on Nov. 13, and the Lake Erie issue on Dec. 4, requiring the BOE to put them on the ballot.
The city charter states that the proposed amendment shall be voted upon at the next regular municipal election if one shall occur not less than 60, nor more than 120 days after the passage of a resolution therefore by the Council. Otherwise, a special election shall be called and held within the time aforesaid for the consideration of such proposed amendment.
I only speak for myself and no other council member in saying that I don’t agree with either of these ballot issues. I will be voting No on Feb. 26 on both issues because I feel they will not hold up in court and if passed and they will just cost the taxpayers more money on legal costs. Please know that Toledo City Council followed all the proper steps for democracy whether they agree with these two issues or not.
South Toledo
The writer is president of Toledo City Council.
Museum safe
We are fortunate to have the Toledo Museum of Art jewel in the inner city of Toledo where it has always been and must always be. Its central location in the Old West End makes it accessible to people from all directions and all means. I find security inside and out to be highly visible.
In reference to the Readers Forum letter “Museum Harmed,” Feb. 2, the location never stops many patrons from taking advantage of its wonderful array of programming. Yes, it is unfortunate that a homicide occurred outside its doors but to suggest that it is related to the museums location fails to recognize that this could happen anywhere.
West Toledo
Ask GOP elites
I found The Blade’s Feb. 3 editorial supporting the potential independent presidential candidacy of Howard Schultz, generally regarded as a supporter of Democrat ideals, interesting ( “The Apostate”). In it, The Blade states, “Let Mr. Schultz go to the country and make his case. And let the people, not the elites, decide.” I look forward to the editorial The Blade might publish should Mitt Romney, Chris Christie, or even John Kasich enter the fray as a primary challenger to the current president.
West Toledo
First Published February 8, 2019, 10:45 a.m.