Hunters are gearing up for Ohio's deer gun season, which opens Monday, Dec. 2.

Outdoors: Deer gun season starts Monday in Ohio


Outdoors: Deer gun season starts Monday in Ohio

Next up on the outdoors calendar is the first part of Ohio’s deer gun season, which begins Monday and goes for a week until Dec. 8. It opens typically the first Monday after Thanksgiving.

It is estimated that well over 400,000 to 450,000 hunters participate in the long-revered granddaddy of hunting seasons since 1943, where the attraction is the monster buck of their dreams. Although some are happy with any sized trophy and more apt to covet the lean, tasty organic venison.

Depending on what county you hunt in, anywhere from two to four deer may be taken, but only one may be antlered over the entire season.


Already nearly 92,000 white-tailed deer have been harvested through the archery and youth gun seasons. The youth gun season — which includes hunters ages 17 and under — was held Nov. 16 and 17 and checked in 10,449 deer, according to the Ohio Division of Wildlife.

New Yorkers Edwin L. Hatten, Jr., right, and Len Heffron with their winning walleye they caught on Lake Erie on Nov. 24 that tipped the scales at 12.30 pounds and measured 31.25 inches long.
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Last year, 70,103 deer were taken during the weeklong season. All total for the firearms seasons in 2023, 95,606 were harvested.

Early in the archery season in September and October, there were fears that the deer population was getting wiped out by the Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease. The often fatal malady is caused by the bite of an infected midge fly. There was picture after picture being posted on social media of deer that succumbed to the disease, so many that some hunters were mulling over whether they would be taking does.

But in a column I did in October pointed out that disease’s effect would be likely minimal because there is such an abundance of whitetails. John McCoy, deer biologist with the Ohio Division of Wildlife, said overall the “herd is as large as it’s ever been.”


Sarah Schott, wildlife communications specialist of the Ohio Division of Wildlife, also added that “deer hunters wishing to self-implement a reduced harvest rate this year [including doe harvest] may choose to do so in areas highly affected by EHD ... it is also worth noting that deer numbers are at record-high levels in Paulding, Defiance, and Williams counties.”

With the great mast we’ve had this fall and the large numbers of deer, it should be a great week for hunters. A lot will depend on the weather too.

Successful hunters are reminded that their deer are required to be checked in at the Ohio Wildlife Licensing System so the division dataset can aid wildlife biologists in monitoring deer health, distribution, and size of the herd. You can also use the HuntFish OH mobile app at, calling 1-877-824-4864, visiting a license sales agent, or calling 1-866-703-1298 (landowner operator-assisted; fees apply.) The HuntFish OH mobile app can be downloaded from your app store.

In addition, all hunters need a valid Ohio hunting license, along with an either sex deer permit or a deer management permit, to hunt deer except those on their own property, which must be at least 5 acres in size. Hunters also must wear blaze orange clothing when in the field.

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For those who are unsuccessful, they can hold out hope for the two-day deer gun weekend later in the month on Dec. 21-22. And of course there is the muzzleloader season, Jan. 4-Jan. 7, 2025. Ohio’s archery season — one of the longest archery seasons in the nation — runs until Feb. 2, 2025.

Hunters who would like to donate the venison from their deer can do so by bringing the deer to one of the 34 certified deer processing shops in Ohio as part of the Farmers and Hunters Feeding the Hungry program. Go to for a list of the processors accepting donations of harvested deer.

THE B’LASTER WALLEYE Fall Brawl — touted as the largest walleye tournament — is coming down to the wire. 

First and second place will bring home 2024 Ranger boats. The top prize is a Ranger 622 FS Pro with a 400 V10 Mercury motor valued at $140,000. Second is a Ranger 621 FS Pro with a 300 Mercury motor at a $110,000 value. Both are outfitted with Aqua Traction, Lowrance, and Cisco Fishing Systems.

The remaining prizes are based on entries to sixth place. Third will pay out $60,000; fourth, $50,000; and fifth, $40,000; and sixth, $30,000.

As of Tuesday, Nov. 26, Edwin L. Hatten, Jr., is in line to fire up the 2024 Ranger 622 FS Pro boat and prizes with his whopper walleye on Nov. 24 that topped the scales with a weight of 12.30 pounds and a length of 31.25 inches. Right behind him and also getting ready to drive off with the second Ranger boat is Anthony X Yu with his fish on Nov. 19 that weighed 12.17 pounds and was 31 inches long.

Lake Erie Walleye Trail tournament Director Jason Fischer said in a text to me that the Hatten fish is “right on par” with past Fall Brawl winners dating back to 2011.

This year more than $461,000 is being given away in cash and prizes. In addition there are daily prizes and sponsor giveaways.

The winner is determined by the heaviest fish with length used as a tiebreaker.

The tournament runs from Oct. 19-Dec. 8.

First Published December 1, 2024, 12:25 a.m.

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Hunters are gearing up for Ohio's deer gun season, which opens Monday, Dec. 2.  (ODNR PHOTO)
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